Revelation of the Word
Revelation of the Word 06/09/2018 Admin
James 4:1-2
“What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God.”
-From the heart comes issues of life like fighting & quarreling that result from frustrations due to unfulfilled desires. Other desires become too strong that some covet but don’t receive so they quarrel & fight out of desperation, & others steal & kill. Selfishness & anger are a major cause of conflict according to James. Jesus tells us to ask & we shall receive, seek & we shall find, knock & the door shall be opened unto us, but the time has not been defined. We also read that we don’t have because we don’t ask & when we ask, we ask amiss to fulfill our pleasures. We are therefore called to be patient & persistent in prayer & give thanks in all things so that anxiety & quarrels may not arise among us.
God our Father we come before You with humility in our hearts, guide us when we pray so that we may not ask amiss but according to Your divine will; Lord. Hear our prayers Jehovah & answer us Father & Friend. Heal our relationships, friendships & marriages from anger & selfishness so that we may dwell in undefiled love. We praise You & honor You forever. Amen
Blessed Thursday
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