Revelation of the Word
Revelation of the Word 30/08/2018 Admin
Ezekiel 31:18
“To which of the trees in Eden will you then be likened in glory and greatness? Yet you shall be brought down with the trees of Eden to the depths of the earth; you shall lie in the midst of the uncircumcised, with those slain by the sword. This is Pharaoh and all his multitude,’ says the Lord GOD.”
-Pharaoh has been compared to the king of Assyria who had great power & described as the most beautiful tree in Eden through imagery. The fall of Pharaoh is thus predestined as shameful because of his pride. Just like Pharaoh, Satan was the anointed cherub in Eden, clothed in every precious stone, became proud & exulted himself as a god, & the Lord reduced him to ashes (Ezek 28:13-18). It is best therefore to be a lowly tree of righteousness, yielding fruit to the glory of God, & to the good of men. Like Pharaoh, the wicked man is often seen flourishing like the cedar, but he soon passes away, & his place is no longer found but the end of the upright man is peace. Jesus calls us to be circumcised at heart & remain humble, for the meek will inherit the earth, probably now & in the future when He returns to rule with glory & righteousness.
As a deer pants for streams of water, so our souls thirst for You our living God. Fill our hearts with humility King of glory so that Your presence may never depart from us, our families, leaders & nation. Direct our country Father; socially, financially, politically & economically so that we may bear much fruit & remain in peace; merciful God. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ & the love of God & the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us now & forever more. Amen
Blessed Thursday
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