Theme : FIG TREE
Matthew 21:18-19
Now in the morning, as He returned to the city, He was hungry. And seeing a fig tree by the road, He came to it and found nothing on it but leaves, and said to it, “Let no fruit grow on you ever again.” Immediately the fig tree withered away.
-Jesus was hungry & needed to eat. He came by the fig tree & found no fruit. He cursed it & it withered.
-This was after the triumphant entry when multitudes cut down trees & spread their clothes on the road singing praises to Jesus.
-This indicated that the fig tree was of less importance, as Jews valued it too much. Adam & Eve used it as cloth instead of waiting on God to cloth them. We should seek God first in Faith.
-In John 15:5-6, Jesus says He is the vine(vine tree) as we are branches & without Him we can do nothing.
-Here the fig tree represent man’s own will which is not God’s will. Thus we should seek God’s will as His thoughts are not our thought neither His ways our ways (Isaiah 55:8).
Abba Father, Your thoughts are not my thoughts neither Your ways my ways. You are the vine & I Your branch, show me Your will as I choose to abide in You. Give me firmer faith, heal my boils & protect me from the evil one. Cloth me with Your full armor & come into my heart to strengthen me. This I pray to the Lord. Amen.
Our Father who at in Heaven; Hallow be thy Name……
Please meditate on this week’s theme, Fig Tree.
Blessed Weekend.