Revelation of the Word
Revelation of the Word 04/06/2018 Admin
Genesis 8:22
“While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease.”
-Winter in Hebrew is written as choreph which is the coldest of the four seasons & begins during winter-solstice. During this time, there is plenty of rainfall or snow where some animals hibernate to keep warm & others migrate in search for pasture. Winter is a time to sow seed in expectation for a harvest & most often attributed to a challenging period of our lives.
-We are told that; God is the author of all seasons, seedtime & harvest time, cold & heat, winter & summer. Winter is often associated with cold & seedtime, in the hope that one plants good seeds of love, kindness, goodness, integrity, hard-work etc with the expectation to reap what they sow (Gal 6:7). It is a cold season thus requires physical & spiritual protection from disease & harm through the help of the Holy Spirit. After winter has passed & rain is gone, flowers blossom & turtledoves rejoice in the land (Song of Sol 2:11-12). Sometimes we face difficulties in our relationships, marriages, finances, work, businesses, health & many other challenges that we often pray about for ourselves & others. When we put God first in all things & hold fast faith in Jesus who is the author & finisher of our faith, we emerge victorious through Him & in Him Who gives us strength, for the glory of His name.
Almighty God we come before You today with thanksgiving in our hearts for Your goodness & mercy that You have accorded unto us from everlasting to everlasting. You have created us in Your own image & made all seasons according to Your will, how magnificent are You Lord & Your glorious splendor is evident in all the earth. You have said that anyone who calls on Your name shall be saved. We humbly ask You Lord to continue blessing us & giving us special grace always & especially during times of winter that we may emerge victorious over all difficult situations through You Who gives us strength. Answer all our prayers Lord & give us the desires of our hearts. All glory & praise belongs to You Lord now & forever. Amen
Blessed Week
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