Revelation of the Word
Revelation of the Word 02/05/2018 Admin
Proverbs 12:11
“Those who work their land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies have no sense.”
-It is often said that hard work is the way to success in business forums but we rarely talk about this in church & religious conversations. It is clear from the above scripture that work brings forth abundant food & chasing after fantasies causes lack. Gambling has been sighted as an emerging trend; where both the young & the old gamble in the hope of winning the lottery through sending some money for a price, which is an example of a fantasy activity. Such activities erode the work & saving culture; & divert people’s attention; lest they make proper use of time, resources & skills. This gives the majority false hope; & in the process loose their little they have for the general rule in gambling is, “the money goes back to the house”. Apostle Paul speaks to the Thessalonians saying that they laboured day & night (given that Paul was a tent maker (Acts 18:3)), so that they may not be a burden to them. He also proposed that those who do not work should not eat & encourages them to work in quietness eating their own bread; condemning busybodies (2 Thes 3:8-12).
We thank You dear Lord for the gift of life & the strength You have given us to be able to work. We are sorry Father for the many times we not been productive & have wasted valuable time chasing fantasies, forgive us Lord. We humbly ask You to direct us in our work that we may better apply our gifts, talents, skills, knowledge & wisdom passionately that we may achieve sustainable fruits for the benefit of many. Bless our nation & all citizens Father, that we may get used to the culture of hard work for our good & the good of the generations to come. You are the Alpha & Omega, the Beginning & the End, the First & the Last, all glory & praise belongs to You. Amen
Blessed Wednesday
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