Revelation of the Word
Revelation of the Word 06/04/2018 Admin
John 5:7-9
“The sick man answered Him, “Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; but while I am coming, another steps down before me.” Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your bed and walk.” And immediately the man was made well, took up his bed, and walked. And that day was the Sabbath.”
-Jesus healed a man at the pool of Bethesda who had suffered for at least 38 years as he waited for the angel to come & stir up the water; so that he could step in & receive healing. Jesus had compassion on him & raised him from his troubles. This was on a Sabbath where Jews rest from any forms of labor. They found fault in Jesus instead of celebrating the victory of healing. Christ resurrected right after a Sabbath with all our burdens that we may find rest in Him.
-Rise in Hebrew is written as qum & means to stand, ascend, resurrect or move from a lower to a higher position with the aim of achieving a certain objective.
-Every Easter Christians celebrate the victory that Christ gained through death & resurrection for the redemption of the whole world. Through Christs’ death for our sins; we are called to remain dead to sin & alive with Him by His resurrection as we share His love with others. He qualified us; sons of God by making us joint heirs with Him & is seated at the right hand of the Father interceding for us (Rom 8:34). After His resurrection, Christ gave us the Holy Spirit to also intercede for us when we don’t know how to pray with groaning that cannot be uttered; & strengthens us through His fruit & gifts & revelation of the Word. Through Gods’ power we have dominion over evil snare that is fashioned for our destruction. By the power of the blood of Christ shed for our freedom in the everlasting covenant, we are able to defend ourselves as the Holy Spirit leads us & through the protection of His angels. When the deceiver also brings false accusations in the courts of heaven to block our prosperity according to what is written in our books of destiny, we are able to speak against the evil one through the blood of Jesus. Christ also intercedes for us, His heritage through sonship by His righteousness & assures us protection by His everlasting love (Isa 54:17). We known that nothing can separate us from His love; neither persecution, tribulations, principalities, powers, angels, death, life, things in the present or things to come (Rom 8:35-39). He gives us more comfort in John 11:25-26, for He is the resurrection & the life; he who believes in Him, though he may die, he shall live & whoever lives & believes in Him will never die. As we continue to believe in Christ Who is the resurrection & the life; & dwells in our hearts, we have eternal life; whether we dies or are found alive when He comes back in glory. Through His immortal nature He will replace our morality with immortality & corruption to incorruptible form for we shall be changed. Christ has given us victory over death & hades that we remain stable in good works of love with the assurance of eternal life (1 Cor 15:50-58). His grace is sufficient for us all & helps us to remain obedient to His Word so that we may remain victorious in all things for the glory of His name.
We humbly implore You Holy Spirit to have Your way in us & let Your will be done in our lives. Guide us in our thoughts, words, actions, decisions, work, school, marriages, families & nation, for we are cannot make it without You. Thank You for dying on the cross for us Jesus. Through Your resurrection You have made us victorious over sicknesses, tribulations, burdens & every evil snare of the enemy by Your precious blood that nothing can harm or stop us from achieving that which You have destined for us. Almighty Father You are full of love & mercy, we continue seeking Your grace in all things. Amen
Blessed Weekend
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