Revelation of the Word
Revelation of the Word 19/03/2018 Admin
Genesis 8:11-12
“Then the dove came to him in the evening, and behold, a freshly plucked olive leaf was in her mouth; and Noah knew that the waters had receded from the earth. So he waited yet another seven days and sent out the dove, which did not return again to him anymore.”
-Dove in Hebrew is written as yonah. Both the dove & the olive leaves are signs of the Holy Spirit. Also, the dove has 9 main feathers on each wing which signify the gifts & fruit of the Holy Spirit.
-After the floods; Noah deliberately sent a dove leaving all the other birds, which was symbolic to seeking the help of the Holy Spirit. He sent the dove for the first time but returned because the water was not settled. Sometimes we have many issues in our hearts like anger, hatred etc. which hinder the Holy Spirit from dwelling in us. We remember David in Psalm 51:11 where he requested God not to take the Holy Spirit away from him because he had sinned. It is necessary for us to thirst for righteousness so that we may be filled (Mat 5:6). After seven/ complete days; Noah sent the dove again & came back with an olive leaf which was a sign of hope for Noah & his family. This also relates to changes that take place in our lives when we seek God & He purifies us each day. After another seven days the dove was sent & did not return as the Holy Spirit goes before us to direct us in all our ways.
We thank You Lord & give You praise for all You have done unto us. We ask that You forgive us all our sins & sins of the whole world. Many have lost their loved ones & lost property in floods; have mercy on them Lord, restore them & give them peace. Remember Your covenant with Noah Father; that You will never destroy all mankind with a flood again, have mercy on us Lord. Fill us with Your gifts & fruit Holy Spirit we completely submit to You that we may always do Your will. Amen
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