Theme: SALT
2 Kings 2:20-22
And he said, “Bring me a new bowl, and put salt in it.” So they brought it to him. Then he went out to the source of the water, and cast in the salt there, and said, “Thus says the Lord: ‘I have healed this water; from it there shall be no more death or barrenness.’” So the water remains healed to this day, according to the word of Elisha which he spoke.
-Prophet Elisha, put salt & water in a new bowl by which the Lord healed Jericho’s water source. This halted deaths & land barrenness.
-Salt has over 60 uses including cleansing, healing & prevention in different professions/areas.
Abba Father, You are our King & Lord. Heal all our water sources which cause land barrenness & death. Heal our wounds, families, economys, nations & other difficult area that cause us pain. Amen
Blessed Wednesday.