Genesis 24:67
Then Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah’s tent; and he took Rebekah and she became his wife, and he loved her. So Isaac was comforted after his mother’s death.
-Abraham sent his servant to Nahor to look for a wife for his son Isaac. His servant prayed to God & was successful for Rebekah became Isaacs wife. A wife brings comfort to the family.
-Abraham is likened to God & Isaac to Christ. Abraham wanted to sacrifice Isaac, God sacrificed Jesus. God gave Christ the church, Abraham gave Isaac a bride.
-In Eph 5:31-32, man & wife shall become one flesh, a mystery concerning Christ & the church. In John 2:19-22, Jesus said He would destroy the temple & built it in 3 days. He was talking about His body as the temple. This was after changing water to wine at the wedding in Cana. In John 15:5, Christ is the vine & we are branches. Without Him we can do nothing. ‘The vine makes wine.’
Lord Jesus, You are the vine and we are Your branches. You died for the church & made the family unity complete, have mercy on us. Let us be guided and comforted by You as we drink from the vine for the forgiveness of our sins. Let us abide in You as You abide in the Father. Give me a Godly spouse as the Father gave You the church. Bless our descendants like You blessed Abrahams family. This I pray to the Lord. Amen
Our Father who at in Heaven; Hallow be thy Name……
Please meditate on this week’s theme, Marriage.
Blessed Weekend.