Revelation of the Word
Revelation of the Word 02/03/2018 Admin
Luke 21:3-4
“So He said, “Truly I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all; for all these out of their abundance have put in offerings for God, but she out of her poverty put in all the livelihood that she had.”
-Jesus sat strategically in the temple where people gave their offering. According to Him, a widow gave all she had to others needs; in her needy state, 2 mites to be precise. These were small copper coins whose estimated value is usd. 2 today. God loves a cheerful giver; as one purposes in his heart not grudgingly or of necessity (2 Cor 9:7). We should always remember to be generous in giving according to how one desires in their heart & blessings will never depart from our homes.
-Poverty in Hebrew is written as machsor & it means scarcity, deficiency, needy or paucity.
-Joseph the governor of Egypt was willing to support his family 2 years into the drought lest poverty consumes them (Gen 45:11). In humility; he forgave his brothers who earlier sold him as a slave, provided food for his entire family & relocated them to Egypt where there was plenty. As the wise man said; “charity begins at home”, let us remember to support our families in whatever way possible otherwise we become worse than unbelievers for abandoning our Christian faith (1 Tim 5:8). In the year of Jubilee, the Israelites were cautioned against oppressing strangers & sojourners but encouraged to redeem them from slavery, debt & provide for their basic needs. In the same way we have been forbidden from oppressing the poor; by which we reproach God. By showing mercy on the needy we honor God for we are equal before Him (Prov 14:31). We also realize that giving to the needy is an act of faith which without works/ action; our faith is dead (James 2:15-17). The gift of faith is also critical in achieving our goals & visions for an idle chatter only leads to poverty (Prov 14:23). May we continue to ask for Gods’ wisdom & direction that we may utilise our gifts, talents & knowledge wisely so that we may achieve His will for our lives. Through Gods’ grace, Who was rich, yet for our sakes became poor, that by His poverty we might become rich (2 Cor 8:9). He made us rich by delivering us from the power of darkness & conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in Whom we have redemption through His blood & forgiveness of sins (Col 1:13-14). We have therefore been called to live by the Spirit as His sons, to take action in achieving our visions & offer a helping hand to our family members, the needy & all those who require our assistance so that our faith may be established.
Holy God holy might One holy immortal One, have mercy on us & on the whole world. We thank You Father for Your graces upon our lives & humbly ask You to increase our faith. Receive our prayers we offer to You; the desires of our hearts & our petitions that You hear us Lord. We acknowledge that You are the owner of everything that exists in all the earth Lord, help us to sacrifice whatever we can to those in need; in our own families & society. Thank You for the blessing of rain, provision, protection, peace, family, leadership, love & unity Lord. We magnify & praise Your Holy name forever. Amen
Blessed Weekend
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