Revelation of the Word Revelation of the Word
Theme : MARRIAGE Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge. INSIGHT -Marriage should... Revelation of the Word


Hebrews 13:4

Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.

-Marriage should be honoured by all. The unmarried should not have sexual relations before marriage & the married should be faithful to their spouses.
-In John 4:18, you have five husbands & the one you currently have is not yours. In Philippians 2:3, let nothing be done out of selfish ambition or conceit, but each one esteem the other better than themselves.

Christ my Savior, forgive me from all uncleanness & wash me by Your blood. Give me Your living water so that I never thirst & be satisfied with what I have as I honor Your commandments. Fulfil to me the desires of my heart, Father. Bless my descendants up to the tenth generation & wash us from all curses that run in our family. Amen.

Blessed Thursday.
