Revelation of the Word Revelation of the Word
THEME: WAY   Genesis 24:40 But he said to me, ‘The Lord, before whom I walk, will send His angel with you and prosper... Revelation of the Word



Genesis 24:40

But he said to me, ‘The Lord, before whom I walk, will send His angel with you and prosper your way; and you shall take a wife for my son from my family and from my father’s house.

-Way in Hebrew is written as orach & it means course, track, route, path & direction.
– Abraham was getting old & wanted his son Isaac to get a good wife from his fathers house. He sent his oldest servant instead of sending Isaac to find a wife of his own choice. Of great importance was that the wife must have been from his fathers house, those who feared God. Before that; we see Abraham giving caution to his servant saying “Beware that you do not take my son back there” (Gen 24:6). This was basically because God had instructed Abraham to move from Haran & had already blessed him with great possessions & inheritance in the land of Canaan. Thus Isaac going back there would be catastrophic in-case of danger, a sign of disobedience to God & probably lose of inheritance in-case he would not return. It was of great importance that Abraham left his inheritance to Isaac; that he went to a great extent of sending off all his other children sired from his concubines, away towards the east (Genesis 25:5-6). Abraham a man of great faith therefore sent his servant with Gods’ blessings on this important mission hoping that God would answer his prayer. Many young men & ladies who are currently waiting upon the Lord for spouses & others are seeking clarity on whether he/she is the right one, are getting anxious. Abraham the father of faith sent his servant with confidence knowing that God would accomplish their mission with success. We are therefore reminded to have firm faith in God, pursue godly spouses, seek direction from God & continue ask Him to prosper our way before & after marriage. We also see that marrying a believing wife or husband yields godly off-spring & many blessings from the Lord.

Lord our Father; full of awesome wonders, we exult You & praise You for the gift of life & Your mercies upon us. Cleanse us from all unrighteousness & renew our minds to seek first Your face. Prosper the way of all ladies & gentlemen who are unmarried that they may find godly spouses & to make the right decisions as they prepare to build their families. Bless all those who are married to live in peace & love so that instances of divorce may not arise. Bless those who are divorced or separated that they may settle again according to Your merciful kindness. Visit all the widows & orphans in their time of need & answer all their prayers. Bless us all Oh Lord so that we may inherit all good things according to Your promise. May Your goodness & mercy follow us; all the days of our lives. Amen

Blessed Week

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