Revelation of the Word
Revelation of the Word 24/01/2018 Admin
1 Thessalonians 5:18
In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
-King David sealed the Davidic covenant with praise revealing to us the will of God for us in Christ the King of kings. This covenant is a very practical agreement between the heavens & the earth as revealed in our Lords prayer, “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. In Rev 4:8 for instance, the four living creatures (angels) who are in heaven do not rest day & night praising “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is & is to come!”. Giving thanks in all situations is therefore Gods’ will & the ultimate sign of faith showing that we surrender all to Him in knowledge that He is always in control. When we are successful or when things are not going as we have planned, we should give thanks to God for He is always in control. He predestined everything before the foundations of the world & knows how long we will live, what will eat today, where will be tomorrow, what we & our family members are destined to become, the direction of all nations, when Christ will come back etc. God therefore call us to be still & not be anxious about anything but give thanks for without faith we cannot please Him.
Holy holy holy You are Lord God Almighty Who was Who is & Who is to come. You are the Creator of the universe; the most high God, we proclaim Your majesty in all the earth. We ask You Father to remove any forms of fear & anxiety in our hearts that we may have firmer faith in You. We cast all our burdens, cares, doubt & anxiety unto You for You care for us. All the heavens & earth praise You for You created all things & by Your will they exist & were created. We thank You for all things & ask that You direct us & guide us according to Your will. We give You thanks & praise Father; for Your mercies endures forever. Amen
Blessed Wednesday
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