Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 13/02/2024 Admin
Numbers 24:9 NKJV
”He bows down, he lies down as a lion; And as a lion, who shall rouse him?’ “Blessed is he who blesses you, And cursed is he who curses you.”
–When the Israelites came out of Egypt, they went on occupying the territories of Canaan. They destroyed king Sihon and all the Amorites who dwelt at Heshbon. When they approached the plain of Moab, king Balak and all the Moabites were terrified at their presence. The Israelites are likened to a fierce and great lion that conquers all his enemies. Numbers 23:24 reveals that, the lion shall not lie down until it devours its prey, and drinks the blood of the slain. King Balak sent for Balaam to come and curse the Israelites for they were too mighty for him. The curse would enable him to destroy them and drive them out of the land. Each time Balaam came made a pronouncement upon the Israelites, he blessed them declaring that those who the Lord has blessed cannot be cursed.
Abba Father we love You and thank You for Who You are and what You have done and continue to do in our lives. We thank You for loving us and giving us Your Son Jesus Christ to save us and redeem us with His precious blood. Lord You say in Your word that a curse without a cannot stand. Lord Jesus if there is any cause for a curse may You forgive us, our families, churches, ministries and nation. May You forgive us the sins and those of our youth and cleanse us with Your precious blood. Your Jesus Your word says that mercy comes before judgement, may You have mercy on us and on the whole world. Dear Lord Jesus we thank You for blessing us. Those who are blessed cannot be cursed. May You open every closed door for us and break every delay in our lives. We honor You and exult Your holy name now and forever. Amen
Further reading: Genesis 12:3, 2 Samuel 6:12
Blessed Tuesday