Revelation of the Word: Revelation of the Word:
THEME: THANKSGIVING 1 Corinthians 15:57 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. INSIGHT -Thanksgiving is the... Revelation of the Word:


1 Corinthians 15:57

But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.


-Thanksgiving is the secret to victories in God. When Judah was attacked by a great multitude from Syria including the Ammonites, Moabites and people from mount Seir, king Jehoshaphat gave thanks. This son of David humbled himself fasted, prayed and gave thanks to God. He exhorted his troops to firm faith in God. Faith inspired him to true courage as his heart was gradually established during the shaking times. The Lord caused these wicked groups to destroy one another when Jehoshaphat led them in a solemn thanksgiving, and thus celebrated their victory in Christ Jesus (2 Chronicles 20:20-24). It is through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ that we have victory in Him. Jesus was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification. When we believe in Christ Jesus, He credits unto us righteousness (Romans 4:24-25).


Thanksgiving is a fundamental way of offering our prayers and praise to God. Thanksgiving is a type of prayer just like supplications and intercessions (1 Timothy 2:1). Thanksgiving offering is geared towards expressing gratitude to God (Leviticus 7:11-16; Psalms 107:21-22). We offer thanksgiving as we give glory to God (Psalm 69:30; Psalm 95:2), as we enter His gates with thanksgiving (Psalm 100:4), and sing to the Most High God with thanksgiving (Psalm 147:7 ). Thanksgiving should come from the heart as we recount all of His wonderful deeds (Psalm 9:1). After lamentations there comes thanksgiving in hope of answered payers (Psalms 7:16-17 ; Psalms 28:6-7). When we are anxious we should give thanks and God gives us peace in our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6‭-‬7).  ‬‬‬‬‬‬Thanksgiving was a central component of prayer for Paul (Colossians 1:12), and for strengthening churches (2 Corinthians 4:15). Jesus offered thanksgiving through prayer over a meal, such as the feeding of the multitudes (Matthew 15:36; Mark 8:6; John 6:11 John 6:23) or at the last supper (Matthew 26:27; Mark 14:23; Luke 22:17-19). Jesus also thanked the Father for hearing His prayer that God hide His secrets from the wise and reveal them to children (Matthew 11:25; Luke 10:21) and for raising Lazarus (John 11:41). The heavenly hosts express thanksgiving as a way of worship to God for creating all things (Revelation 4:9-11) and for redeeming multitudes of humanity (Revelation 5:9-14).  Thanksgiving is offered to God for His nature, He is good and His love endures forever (Psalm 106:1; Psalm 118:1; Psalm 136:1), and the Rock of our salvation (Psalms 95:1-3). Thanksgiving is offered to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior for He redeemed us by His precious blood of the cross and therefore we have victory in Him.


We give thanks to You Jesus, for You are good, and Your steadfast love endures forever. We thank You for You went on the cross for the salvation of all mankind. It is You who has redeemed us by Your blood out of every tribe, tongue, people and nation by Your saving grace. We give thanks to You for loving us and saving us from darkness to light. Thank You for You have never left us orphaned but You have given us the Holy Spirit. We thank You for this far that You have brought us and the far that You are taking us. We thank You for the breakthrough’s that we have experienced in our lives, families, church, and nation, and what You are still doing. We thank You for we have victory in You dear Lord Jesus. Thank You for the plans that You have for us, plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a sure future. We thank Lord Jesus and honor You. May You bless us and keep us. May You shine Your face towards us and be gracious unto us. May You show Your countenance unto us and give us peace. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us now and forevermore. Amen

Further reading: Revelation 5:9-10

Blessed Weekend
