Revelation of the Word
Revelation of the Word 23/10/2017 Admin
Genesis 12:1-2
Now the Lord had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, From your family And from your father’s house, To a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing.
-Trust in Hebrew is written as batach & it means to rely upon, have confidence in, devote to, believe in or to have faith in someone, something or God. Trust is confidence, hope or belief in another person’s words as well as actions. It is also one’s value or characteristic that need a foundation or basis before forming a bond with another person or ideal. Trust gives a sense of firm reliance or dependence on another person’s integrity, truthfulness, ability, strength or character. We can trust someone, something or God but can only trust in God.
-Abraham trusted in God & obeyed fully His instructions since they began their interactions. His faith was tested severally & every time he remained obedient & loyal to God. Initially, he was instructed to move from his comfort zone, Haran to a foreign land. While on the move; famine struck & they moved to Egypt. Sarah was indeed beautiful & Pharaoh’s servants took her into their masters house. The Lord plagued Pharaoh & his household because of Sarah. Abraham was immediately send out of Egypt with a lot of livestock, gold & silver. That meant that him & his household would not lack basic provisions any more until they got to the promised land. Abraham excelled in various other tests of faith, was blessed & became a father of many nations. Almost all the major people sited in the Bible exhibited signs of faith in one way or another i.e. Sarah, Noah, Daniel, Ruth, Samson, Jeremiah, Job, Mary, Paul etc. We are also called to have total trust in God for without faith it is impossible to please Him.
Lord our Father, we thank You for this far You have brought us. We have seen Your mighty hand in different ways & experienced many opportunities in our lives which transcend into the future. We give You praise. Instil in us firmer faith during difficult times, hope at the wake of disappointment & peace when comforted by crisis. All glory & praise belong to You. Amen
Blessed Week
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