Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 16/10/2017 Admin
Genesis 3:22
Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever”—
-Tree in Hebrew is written as ets & it means wood, timber, pole etc. More than 30 species of trees have been mentioned in the Bible & have different meanings. Apart from human beings, trees are the most mentioned of Gods’ creation to symbolise shelter, support, provision, strength & capacity, which are also attributes of God. Trees play a major role in our lives. They provide oxygen, shelter, medicine, food for human beings & other creatures, attract rain, provide moderate global temperatures as they pump water from the ground out of the leaves, provide beauty to the environment & remind us of Gods’ magnificent power of creation.
-The tree of life is among the first & last tree mentioned in the Bible. Unlike the tree of knowledge of good & evil whose fruit brought forth death, the tree of life has fruits which provides life. The tree of the knowledge of good & evil produced apple fruits that ignited a mental change in knowledge of good & evil & nothing physical. Man thereafter gained access to knowledge that only God possessed. The tree of life provides immortality & will only be accessible to Christs’ elect (Rev 22:14). Through Christs’ redemptive power we have access to His grace; Who is the beginning & the end.
Lord our Father, we thank You for Your mercies & everlasting love upon us. Your magnificent power & marvellous works are evident in all Your creation. Increase wisdom in our hearts so that we may meaningfully explore & preserve all created things. Renew our minds to always realise Your will in our lives. You are our source of health, provision, shelter & all good things, we trust in You & give You praise. Amen
Blessed Week
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