Theme : HUMILITY Numbers 12:3 ‘Now the man Moses was very humble, more than all men who were on the face of the earth.’...
Numbers 12:3
‘Now the man Moses was very humble, more than all men who were on the face of the earth.’
-Moses was very humble and meek than any other man on earth.
-The Lord gave Moses authority to perform great miracles & deliver lsraelites from the hands of Pharaoh.
-Moses also got the privileged to speak to God face to face & to present the 10 commandments.
-Humility comes with authority, privileges & blessings.
Lord God, You are the creator of heavens & earth. Look upon me kindly & grant me the fruit of humility. Shun from me all feelings of pride & let me walk with You like Moses did. Fill my heart with humility & may this fruit be a blessing to many. Amen.
Blessed Week.