1 Samuel 8:4-5
Then all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah, and said to him, “Look, you are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now make us a king to judge us like all the nations.”
-King in Hebrew is written as melek & it means monarch, sovereign & emperor.
-Kings have the following attributes: – they inherit kingdoms through birth right, their glory is expressed through his nature & their reputation is determined by the state of citizens, their word becomes law in their kingdom, their power is absolute & finally; their decrees are sovereign.
-Samuel became old & his sons mismanaged their judgement role. This warranted the people of Israel to demand for a king like other nations through the elders. They used their imagination to demand for a physical king to lead them & thus rejected the Lord. Even though they were cautioned against oppression that would result from the leaders of a physical king, they were determined to get one. We therefore realise that; a mismanaged kingdom comes with oppression & when a people follow the ways of the world, they reject Gods will. God is always with us & we should always consult Him in all our decisions.
God our Father, You are our Lord & King. We thank You for we have began a new week in good health. We proclaim that You are our only King & their is no other like You. May Your will prevail in our lives & country especially during this time of elections. Bless our nation to regain both political & economical stability. All glory & honor belongs to You Father, now & forever. Amen
Proverbs 24:21
My son, fear the Lord and the king; Do not associate with those given to change;
-God deserves all honour & praise; Who rules over all the earth (Psalm 47:6-8). The kings of the earth should also be respected for they are in power to govern their territories. Those who turn away from Gods commandments & laws of the land are referred to as people given to change. They forsake obedience in diverted thoughts & actions, displeasing to both God & the king. May the Lord have mercy on us & guide us in His humility & grace.
We sing praises to You Father, our Lord & King, who rules over all the earth, all the days of our live. Guide us to always be obedient to Your precepts & the law of the land. Direct the law makers all over the world in Your wisdom so that they may emulate Your kingdom model in passing country policies. You are holy, Lord & all Your statutes alike. Amen
Ezekiel 1:10
As for the likeness of their faces, each had the face of a man; each of the four had the face of a lion on the right side, each of the four had the face of an ox on the left side, and each of the four had the face of an eagle.
-Cherubim have four faces representing the kings present in Gods creation on earth. The eagle is the king of the bird kingdom. A unique bird which is not afraid of the storm or flying alone. In fact; it flies to high altitudes right into storms which propel it higher up. A bird with one of the best eye sights & does not miss it’s prey once it has the accurate focus. The ox exhibits brevity in hard work & obedience; which forms part of our core mandate. The lion is the king of the jungle. It is neither as big as the elephant nor as tall as the giraffe but it has the deepest roar which commands the ultimate authority in the animal kingdom. God made man in His image & likeness & gave him dominion over all creeping creatures & all the earth. Just as God is love, we were given a new command; to love God & our neighbour as ourselves. We experience kingship when we share in His love. Gods magnificence is therefore evident in His creation which gives us more reason to glorify Him.
We humbly beseech You Father, with thanksgiving in our hearts. Everything that has breath praises You & all creation glorifies Your holy name. We ask You to continue protecting us & all Your creation that was created for a purpose. Lead us in Your wisdom & obedience to always share in Your love. Amen
Revelation 5:9-10
And they sang a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll, And to open its seals; For You were slain, And have redeemed us to God by Your blood Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, And have made us kings and priests to our God; And we shall reign on the earth.”
-In John’s vision, a song of praise & victory of the works of redemption by Christ our Lord are evident. Redemption out of every tribe, tongue, people & nation by His precious blood. A prayer of the saints in form of burned incense presented to our Father. Our country needs this prayer & song most at the moment, one of freedom from tribalism, oppression, evil proclamation, disorder & delayed justice. God has made us kings & priests to the Father having been cleansed from our sin & redeemed from bondage. Thus, by faith we claim our place of authority & dominion so that His righteousness, love, peace, unity, liberty & grace may be evidenced in Kenya.
Lord our Father, we surrender our lives & nation to You, save us. Free us from all forms of oppression, tribalism, confusion, disorder, delayed justice & every evil proclamation upon our nation. We shall reign in our nation with Your righteousness, love, peace, liberty & grace. Have mercy on us. May Your will be done in Kenya as it is in heaven. All glory, honour, power & praise belong to You King of kings, now & forever. Amen
John 18:37
Pilate therefore said to Him, “Are You a king then?” Jesus answered, “You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.”
-Jesus was accused of treason & the punishment was crucifixion. He rightly answered Pilate that He was King, of course by birthright & for this reason He was born. During His birth, wise men recognised Him as King of Jews & followed the star in the East to worship Him. This scared Herod & all Jerusalem (Mat 2:2-3). Jesus was therefore culpable for treason since Heron was king. Jesus said that He is King but not of this world & those who live in truth hear His voice.
-King in Hebrew is written as melek & it means monarch, sovereign & emperor. Kings have the following attributes: – they inherit kingdoms through birth right, their glory is expressed through his nature & their reputation is determined by the state of citizens, their word becomes law in their kingdom, their power is absolute & their decrees are sovereign.
-When Samuel became old & it was time to hand over his judgment role to his children who did not live according to Gods will. They were not responsible enough thus the people demanded for a physical king which was a sign that they rejected God as their King. According to king Solomon, God should be feared & the earthly king respected. In Gods divine mission for us, He made us kings & priests to operate as His son’s in His kingdom model; that we may serve Him alone. This having been revealed by John in his vision by twenty four elders & four cherubim who offered praise to God & prayers of saints in form of burned incense. The same cherubim have four faces representing the kings present in Gods creation on earth. The eagle is the king of the bird kingdom, lion is the king of the jungle, ox is the king of domestic animals & man is king & priest to God with dominion over all the earth. This vision exposes the redemption work of Christ to us out of every tribe, tongue, people & nation by His precious blood. He has freed us from all bondage in His love for us that we may express the same love for Him, our neighbour & enemies. David was king of Israel & exhibited characteristics of a priest. He understood clearly the power of prayer & praise that God was always present in his life & led his kingdom. Just like king David, we are called to offer our bodies as living sacrifices pleasing to God in priesthood & exercise kingship in dominion by prayer, praise & love.
-Abba Father our King, Your power is absolute & decrees sovereign, we worship You in spirit & truth. We offer our bodies as living sacrifices pleasing to You, help us to live according to Your will. We are kings to You, give us love that we may share it & dominate the earth by Your guidance. Come to our aid we humbly beseech You, Father. Hear our prayers & supplications from the bottom our hearts. We give You all the glory, honour & praise, King of kings & Lord of lords. Amen