James 2:20-24
“But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead? Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect? And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.” And he was called the friend of God. You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only.”
Faith is the substance of things hoped for and evidence of things not seen. Things hoped for not yet seen but they exist in the spiritual realm. Confidence in having seen something that has not been made visible yet. Abraham at the age of about a hundred years did not consider his body as dead or the deadness of Sarah’s womb through weak faith. He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief but was strengthened in faith giving glory to God. He was fully convinced that what God promised, He is able to perform. This was accounted to Him for righteousness (Romans 4:19-22). Abraham was again justified when he offered his son Isaac having waited about twenty five years for his conception. He was perfected through his faith and works, and was called the friend of God. Sometimes we focus too much on the deadness of our conditions and situations and fail to consider the goodness of the Lord. We look at our physical weaknesses and fail to visualize those things which are not yet seen. Some among us have been diagnosed with cancer, ulcers, arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, glaucoma, HIV, fibroids, cerebral palsy, corona virus and many other diseases. Some have been told they are barren and can not conceive. Others have been told they cannot get a job or make it in business. Others still lack the basic needs like food, shelter, clothing, school fees, bus fare, house rent etc. Many are trusting God for marriages, houses, vehicles, investments, success, salvation, peace and many other blessings. The Bible tells us that we should not consider the deadness of our situations but be fully convinced that what God promised, He is able to perform. We should also remember that we are children of God and that the Holy Spirit Who dwells in us is greater than the one who is in the world. Like Abraham, we should have faith and declare the victory of Christ in our lives and through our works, we will be justified as righteous.
Lord You are good and Your mercies endures forever. Thank You for Your mercy and love upon our lives, families, churches, nation and the entire world. All glory, honor, power and praise belongs to You Lord. Thank You for enabling us to see this new day in perfect health, it is not by our power nor might but by Your Spirit Lord. Journey with us throughout this week and may Your purposes prevail in our lives, families and nation. We pray that You may heal all those who are sick and suffering for by Your stripes we have been healed. Teach us how to master our faith that it may not fail. We put all our trust in You Ancient of Days, answer all our prayers and fulfill our hearts desires according to Your will. Strengthen us in faith coupled with works like You did for Abraham so that it may be justified to us for righteousness. We are Your children and friends Abba Father, bless us with the blessings of Abraham for we are his seed according to the promise. There is no other God but You Lord, all glory and blessings belongs to You; now and forever. Amen
Hebrews 6:1-2
“Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, of the doctrine of baptisms, of laying on of hands, of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.”
-Apostle Paul writes that we need to understand repentance from dead works, faith towards God, baptisms, laying on of hands, resurrection from the dead and eternal judgement leading to perfection in Christ. It all starts from repentance, the repentance that John the baptist preached saying “Repent and believe in the gospel”. Repentance means change of mind and death to sin. One who can change his/her mind can change his destiny and consequently his life. Through repentance, we are made perfect by the blood of Christ, Who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself unblemished to God, and cleanses our consciences from acts that lead to death so that we may serve our living God (Heb 9:14). Believing in the gospel means to have faith in Jesus Christ. We should realize that each one of us has been given a measure of faith through grace (Romans 12:3). As we know that the just shall live by faith, then we are justified through faith in Christ. Faith in the victory of Christ that delivers us from condemnation and we are called to draw near to Him. John then baptized with water which is an outward sign of the death and resurrection with Jesus Christ. Jesus baptized us by one Spirit into one body and has made us to drink into one Spirit leading to perfection in Him. The Spirit then leads us into all truth that we may be made perfect just as He is.
Heavenly Father we humbly come at You feet asking for mercy. Your blood Jesus has power to save, heal, deliver and restore, cover us, our families, nation and the whole world with Your precious blood Lord. You are our sure Foundation, our strong Tower in Whom we lean on, the Justifier of our faith, our Shield and hope of salvation, we put all our trust in You. Jesus You have called us to be perfect saying, be perfect therefore, as Your Heavenly Father is perfect. Thank You for saving us by Your grace Lord through faith, it is not by our power but it is a gift from You Lord. Increase our faith in You and help us Holy Spirit to rejoice in You always. Fill us with Your fruit and gifts and perfect our works in You. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us now and forevermore. Amen
1 Timothy 5:8
“But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”
-Some people have abdicated their duties as parents. Often times have we seen parents who have abandoned their duties of providing for their children destabilizing the well-being of their families. Some street children have confessed openly that they left home because they lacked their basic requirements like food, clothes, shelter, school fees etc. Those who are of faith in Christ are called to exercise their faith and put in works by providing for their own households. Before Eve was given to Adam, he was keeping the garden of Eden as instructed by God, and she became his helper. Further in Proverbs chapter 31, we find the virtuous woman who wakes up early to ensure her household is well provided for. There is a thin line between who should provide for the family between the husband and the wife, but essentially this should be a collective responsibility as; two become one. It should also not be a course of conflict but each one in the household should bear one another with love. Laziness is highly discouraged as the scripture discloses that, if anyone is not willing to work, then he should not eat (2 Thes 3:10). It is therefore prudent to make it a collective responsibility to ensure that the home is established according to the instructions of the Lord. Many including non-believers are keen to watch how such issues are handled in ones family unit. We are therefore called to be a source of the light to the world so that many may see our good works and glorify our Father who is in heaven. Lastly, as stewards of our Master, we should not abandon our duties as we are called and when the Savior returns, each one will receive their reward.
Thank You Holy Spirit for the graces that You have given us. Take charge our Helper of everything we purpose to do so that our desires may always be pleasing to You. Guide us Holy Spirit in our families, marriages, relationships, education and in our work so that all glory and praise may come back to You. Grant us the wisdom to work diligently as if we are working for You Lord and bless the work of our hands. Remember all those who are waiting of You for employment, business and better opportunities that You may open many doors for them so that they may be able to provide for their own households. Intercede for those who are constantly fighting because of financial issues in marriage so that Your peace may prevail. Empower us to become Your faithful stewards Lord so that we may produce much fruit; some thirty fold, sixty fold and others a hundred fold. Our Father who at in heaven; hallowed be Your name; Your Kingdom come; Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptations but deliver us from evil; for thine is the Kingdom the power and the glory; forever and ever. Amen
James 2:14-17
“What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
-Often times when we walk in the streets we are confronted by many needy people who ask for money to buy food. Sometimes we give them what they ask for and other times we go our way telling them either that we will give them tomorrow, we don’t have, they should look for something else to do, God will provide or we ignore them and pass quickly without looking. James discloses that when we say to them “depart in peace, be warmed and filled but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body”, we display faith without work, and that faith without works is dead. The rich man did the same thing to Lazarus when he obviously knew that he needed food but ignored him. When they both died, the rich man went to hell while Lazarus went to paradise. In the book of Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus reminds us to visit the sick, those in prison and give to the needy their basic requirements and we will inherit His kingdom. Several people in the Bible displayed faith and works. When Cornelius gave alms to the people generously and prayed always, the angel of the Lord visited him in a vision (Acts 10:2-8). Tabitha was also full of charitable deeds and gave tunics to the needy. When she got sick and died, God restored her life through Peter (Acts 9:36-43). There is always a price for any good need done to those who need us most, and especially eternal life. We are created in the Lords image and are called to love one another as ourselves as we show them; compassion and mercy.
Thank You Jesus for Your love and mercy upon us. You have been faithful to us even when we have been unfaithful. You have taken good care of us and provide for all our needs from our time of birth. Remember with mercy Lord all those who are sick, in prison, street children, orphans, widows, widowers, depressed and lack basic needs. Lord You are our Savior and ever present help in times of need. Touch each one of us together with all those are suffering by Your hand of grace we humbly ask You Faithful Master. You have said in Your word that You will never leave us nor forsake us, we put all our trust in You. Fill us with Your love Holy Spirit so that we may always love You and our neighbours as ourselves. Give us generous hearts and help us to seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness. All glory and praise belongs to You Lord, now and forever. Amen
John 14:12-14
“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.”
-Christ demonstrated His power by works of healing the sick, performing miracles, raising the dead, casting out demons and restoration of souls through the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Those who believed, their faith made them well (Mark 5:34). Christ has given us the power and authority to perform greater signs and commissioned us to preach the Gospel to the whole world. We are called to have faith when we ask and it shall be given unto us, to seek and we will find, to knock and the door shall be opened unto us. We should also believe in His works and have unwavering faith that these works will be manifested in us and through us; for the glory of His name.
Faith in Christ is the basic foundation of our Christian lives. We should then put on faith in Christ which is pleasing to God. Abraham the father of faith did not consider his body as dead or the deadness of Sarah’s womb but was fully convinced that what God promised, He is able to perform. When he was instructed to sacrifice his son Isaac, he did not relent but obeyed putting in works and God revealed Himself faithful to him. We too are called to believe entirely on God in everything for nothing is impossible with Him. We are also called to apply faith and works through providing for our families, as one who does not provide for his own household is worse than an unbeliever. Further, to give alms to the needy which is a duty of every Christians; for the benefit of the kingdom of God. Having been founded on a Rock Who is Christ, we are called to serve Him as each one is called as we hold fast faith putting in works, for faith without works is dead.
We humbly ask You Jesus to have mercy on us for we have sinned. Forgive us and cleanse us with Your precious blood. Many are suffering all over the world because of corona virus, heal them merciful Father and grant them peace. Heal our land Father from all evil and prosper us with plenty of fruit for the glory of Your name. We seek Your face everyday that You may increase our faith in You and grant us power to perform greater signs for Your names sake. Fill us the wisdom that only comes from You so that we may put in works in our households and society; for the benefit of those who need us most. We knock at Your door for Jesus grant us grace and open many divine opportunities for us. We ask for Your direction as we seek first Your kingdom and righteousness and believe that all other things You will add unto us. Only You are Holy, only You are Lord, teach us to remain in You as You are in us. Amen