We extol You our Lord and King and bless Your name forever and ever. Everyday we bless Your name and praise You for Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and Your dominion endures through all generations. Great are You Lord and You are greatly praised. Your greatness is unsearchable and Your mercy is unending Jesus, we extol You and glorify Your holy name. You are gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love, we extol You and glorify Your holy name. You are our refuge and strength Lord, our fortress and deliver, our ever present help in times of need, we extol You and glorify Your holy name. You are greatly honored above all the living and the dead; beyond those who are dead to sin, we extol You and glorify Your holy name. You are righteous above all creation and Your wisdom surpasses all understanding, we extol You and glorify Your holy name. All creation bow down before You Oh Lord, all creation bow down before You. We extol You and glorify Your holy name. Amen
We extol You our Lord and King and bless Your name forever and ever. Everyday we bless Your name and praise You for Your kingdom...