Revelation of the Word
Revelation of the Word 24/04/2017 Admin
Exodus 23:22
But if you indeed obey His voice and do all that I speak, then I will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries.
-Enemy in Hebrew is written as oyeb & it means hostile, foe, hater, oppressor, opponent, dissident, antagonist, opponent, foe, adversary.
-God promised to send His angel to protect the Israelites against their enemies & adversaries in their obedience. In the New Testament; God sent His son Jesus, in the fullness of time to redeem us & make us His sons (Gal 4:4-5). In sonship; we are assured that when we ask anything from the Father, we will surely receive it for Christ dwell in us. And if Christ is in us, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is alive because of righteousness. When we set our minds on things of the flesh we are carnally minded which is creating enmity with God, but when our minds are set on Spiritual matters we have life & peace (Rom 8:5-11). Therefore, we should focus on whatever things are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, praiseworthy & give a good report (Phil 4:8-9).
Lord our Father, thank You for we have started a new week in good health. We are Your sons; lead us to abide in You always. Help us to set our minds on matters which are pleasing to You as Your Spirit leads. Direct us to do Your will all the time & give us peace. Amen
Blessed Week
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