Hebrews 10:35-36
“Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise:”
-Confidence in Hebrew is written as Mibtach; and it means to have faith, trust, or fidelity in someone. As we know, faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see (Hebrew 11:1). Confidence in Christ is also faith in Christ. Many are the challenges and tribulations that come our way. As Christians; let us not loose hope but hold fast our confidence in Christ so that we may receive our reward. Judas Iscariot walked with Jesus for more that two years but down the line he was deceived and missed the promise. He condemned himself and hang on a tree, died without repentance. Since we have received redemption by Christ who hang on a tree for our sins, let us then have confidence that we shall live forever with Him. Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, kept the promise of life in Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 1:1). He fought the good fight, finished the race and kept the faith, and he received an eternal inheritance. If we have become partakers of Christ like Paul, let us hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end so that we may receive the promise.
God You are the rock of our Salvation, our Stronghold and Shield, we put all our trust in You. Lord You are our Strength and our Song, we shall not be afraid. Thank You for making us see this new day in perfect peace, all our hope and trust is in You Jesus. Thank You for the air that we breath and for Your provision, protection and sustenance in our lives, families and nation, all our trust is in You our Lord and King. We humbly ask You to forgive us all our sins and cover us with Your precious blood. Guide us and protect us throughout this week that we may bear much fruit; redeeming time; according to Your will Father. Heal all those who are sick and suffering for by Your stripes we have been healed. Visit all the widows and orphans when they need You Lord. Deliver all the street families from the snares of the evil one and cover them with Your precious blood, that they may be reunited with their families and live a better life. Be with all those who are in lack and face financial difficulties that You may visit them at their point of need dear Father. Remember all those who are struggling at work and in business that You may open many doors for them. Touch all those are addicted to drugs, alcohol and other illicit activities that You may become their salvation. Comfort those who wait on You for marriage and reconciliation with their spouses, for only You are our Father. Be with all our leaders that they may only be led by You. Our souls wait on You Lord, our Helper and our Shield. Like a deer pants for streams of water, our souls wait on You our Lord and Savior. Satisfy our hearts with Your presence Holy Spirit and grant us perfect peace. Save us Oh Lord from all our fears and troubles, and grant us the grace and resilience to overcome all storms in life. We cast all our burdens and cares unto You Jesus, help us and answer our hearts desires according to Your will. Increase our faith Lord and deliver us from all our unbelief. Grant all those who do not know You the gift of salvation that they may shine like the firmament at the end of time. May Your steadfast love be upon us now and forever, that we may always put our confidence in You Christ Jesus and inherit Your everlasting Kingdom for the glory of Your name. Amen
Philemon 1:21
“Having confidence in your obedience, I write to you, knowing that you will do even more than I say.”
-Apostle Paul who described himself as an ambassador in chains, exhorted Philemon to continue in love and faith for others, holding fast obedience in Christ. Confidence in Christ is also obedience to His word. Like Moses was given the law which he deliver to the Israelites that they may be obedient to God. We have been given the law of love that we may edify the kingdom of God. Since the word of God has been summarized in the law of love, we should then display our obedience by loving God, our neighbours and our enemies, by the power of the Holy Spirit. For without love we do not know God, for God is love, and without faith we cannot please God. Anyone who loves God is known by Him (1 Corinthians 8:3). We should then adhere to love through obedience, holding fast faith in God with the confidence that we belong to the Lord.
Lord You are Holy and Your holiness is everlasting. Cleanse us from all unrighteousness and deliver us from all evil. Grant us the grace to love Holy Spirit. The grace to love You, our neighbor and even our enemies. Help us to only repay evil with good and not evil with evil. Grant us the grace to follow You will and always be obedient to Your word. Only You Holy Spirit can give us the grace and power. May Your power overtake our personal desires, emotions and interests, so that we may be selfless for Your kingdom benefit. May our leaders be selfless for Your glory Lord. May our churches be selfless for Your kingdom purposes. May our families be selfless for the sake of love. May our entire nation be selfless for Your sake of Your kingdom. May Your kingdom come Jesus and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Your kingdom which is filled with righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost, help us to remain in You as You are in us. Only You are Holy Lord, only You are love. Washing us by Your precious blood and fill us with Your fruit and gifts for the sake Your kingdom. May Your church Lord bear much fruit as You have empowered it. All glory, honor, power, riches, wisdom and blessings belongs to You Lord, now and forever. Amen
Psalms 118:1-9
“Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. Let Israel now say, “His mercy endures forever.” Let the house of Aaron now say, “His mercy endures forever.” Let those who fear the LORD now say, “His mercy endures forever.” I called on the LORD in distress; The LORD answered me and set me in a broad place. The LORD is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me? The LORD is for me among those who help me; Therefore I shall see my desire on those who hate me. It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the LORD Than to put confidence in princes.”
-The Psalmist reminds us that it is futile to put our trust in mortals. He tells us that God’s goodness and mercies are everlasting and we should only put our confidence in Christ. Some among us have placed their confidence in fellow men, others in gold, silver and material wealth, some in political power, others in witchcraft and sorcery but we are reminded to only put our trust in the Lord. When we rely on these things rather than God, overtime we realize that they fail and we become disillusioned. Only our faith in Christ who died for our sins can save us. Only in God can we have total peace for His love and mercy endures forever. God created the heavens and the earth and all things belong to Him, and only in Him do we dwell in safety. Only in Him do we live, move and have our being. We know that we are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that we may proclaim the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. Let us then not waiver in faith, for Christ will come again soon and we shall rejoice together with Him; forever.
We give thanks to You Lord for You are good and Your mercies endures forever. Let Israel say His mercies endures forever. Let Kenya say His mercies endures forever. Let all the nations of the earth say His mercies endures forever. We raise Your banner Lord over all the nations for You are good and Your mercies endures forever. We put all our confidence in You Lord our God despite the challenges that we might be going through knowing that we are more than conquerors in You. In the midst COVID-19 You are God. You have protected us, provided for us, sustained us and have become our sure foundation. Thank You for protecting us and guiding us despite the challenges that come our way. Some trust in chariots, others in horses, but we put all our trust in You Lord our God. When we called on You Lord in distress; and You answered and delivered us from all our fears. Thank You Jesus praise You Jesus for taking COVID-19 from the face of the earth and wiping away all our tears. We know that our children will go back to school soon. Thank You for protecting them and preserving them from all evil snares and influences. Thank You Jesus for reviving our businesses and our economy. Thank You for revealing the secret things that You have kept for us who love You. Thank You Holy Spirit for Your goodness and mercies upon us. Thank You for directing our paths in truth. Thank You for covering us with Your precious blood and hedge of fire, so that no evil may touch us. All our hope and trust is in You. Thank You for being our Father and Friend; from everlasting to everlasting, all glory and praise belongs to You. If You are on our side Lord, who can be against us, we shall not fear anything or anyone, what can man do to us? We put all our trust is in You Lord. Teach us to have sure faith in You. We cast all our burdens and cares unto You Jesus for You care for us. Thank You for choosing us. Thank You giving us the gift of eternal life. Thank You for the good plans You have for us, plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future. You have done us well Jesus, we praise Your holy name. Your goodness and mercy shall follow us, all the days of our lives, and we shall dwell in Your house forever. All glory and praise belongs to You, now and forever. Amen
Philippians 3:3
“For we are the circumcision, who worship God in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh,”
-As Christians, we are called to walk properly as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy. But to put on our Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts (Romans 13:13-14). For if one unites himself with a prostitute he is one with her in body, for it is said, “The two will become one flesh.” But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit (1 Corinthians 6:16-17). We are cautioned from having fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather to expose them (Ephesians 5:11). We should then put our minds on the things above and not on the things below which are fleeting. Through prayer, praise and thanksgiving in our hearts, governed by the Holy Spirit, we are able to overcome that which is of the flesh. As we know, cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength and whose heart departs from the Lord (Jeremiah 17:5). We should have no confidence in the flesh but have faith in Christ who delivers us from all fleshly lusts. For those whose minds are governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God, and does not submit to the law of God, nor can it do so, and those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God (Romans 8:6-8). We are called to walk by faith and not by sight, for whatever is not of faith is sin. If we walk by faith, we please God and exhibit our confidence in Him.
Lord You are good and Your mercies endures forever. Father You are loving and Your love is everlasting. Savior You are good and Your mercies endures forever. Holy Spirit You are loving and Your love endures to all generations. We love You Lord with all our hearts, minds, souls and strength, thank You for loving us first. We repent for all the times we have set our minds on the flesh which is death, and humbly ask You Holy Spirit to lead us on the path of life. Forgive us all our sins and cover us with Your precious blood Lord. Many are the times we have gone against Your holy will, help us to seek first Your kingdom and righteousness, and You will add all things unto us. Help us to spread the gospel in all the nations of the world that many may know You Jesus and believe in You. Grant those who do not know You the access to Your heavenly kingdom through the free gift of salvation. Empower us Lord to be of help to all those who are poor and lack their basic needs, for the glory of Your name. Guide us to help those who need us most, as we store up our treasures in heaven where their no moth nor rust and the thieves cannot steal. Thank You Holy Spirit for Your fruit of love in our lives, families, churches and nation, help us to love without reservations. May Your purpose always prevail in our lives and may we accomplish all that You have called us to do. Teach us how to always worship You in spirit and in truth Holy Spirit as we commune with You. May Your praise be always on our lips. We desire You indwell in us always Holy Spirit and intercede for us with groaning that cannot be uttered. We desire Your presence always in our lives, draw us close to You each day. Help us to be satisfied with You alone. Our Father who art in heaven; hallowed be Your name; Your Kingdom come; Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptations but deliver us from evil; for thine is the Kingdom the power and the glory; forever and ever. Amen
Hebrews 4:16
“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”
-Christ died for our sins and paid the price for our salvation and He is seated at the right hand of the throne of God the Father. This is why we are called to have confidence while approaching His throne of grace, that we may enter into His rest. Jesus invites us to His throne of grace saying, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Through the throne of grace, we receive a refreshing of the soul which quickens us for the labor of entering into rest. Grace being the undeserved favor and loving regard of Christ to us, when we are weak and feel unworthy, we should be bold when we call on Him for His saving grace is available. It is His love which answers all motives that drives our walk in the spirit, apart from any selfish seeking desires that dissuade us from all ungodliness.
Our confidence in Christ symbolizes our faith, trust and fidelity in Him. Since faith is the confidence of things hoped for and evidence of things not yet seen, our confidence in Christ symbolizes our faith in Him. As Christians we are called to walk by faith and not by sight so that we may be pleasing to God. We should walk properly as members not according to flesh but according to the spirit; which yields life. We should not cast away our confidence in Christ so that we may receive the promise (Hebrews 10:35-36). Confidence in Christ is also obedience to His word. Jesus summarized the commandments into the law of love and calls us to love God and our neighbors as ourselves. When we love, we cannot harm our neighbors. If we love, we fulfilled the law. We should then have confidence in Christ who saved us by His grace through faith and not by our works but it is the gift of God; lest anyone should boast. God who is rich in mercy and love for us, loved us when we were dead in trespasses, and made us alive together with Christ and raised us up together. He has made us to sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:4-9). We should then put all our trust in the Lord who obtained liberty for us on the cross that we may have victory in all things.
Abba Father our Lord and King, we come before You this day thanking You for the gift of life, gift of grace, gift of salvation, gift of eternal life and Your everlasting mercy and love upon us. Thank You for dying on the cross for us when we were dead to trespasses and making us Your children so that we may inherit Your heavenly kingdom. We boldly come to Your throne or grace that we may receive mercy and grace to help us in times of need. Your grace is sufficient for us Jesus for Your power is made perfect in our weakness, thank You for loving us. We cast all our burdens and cares unto You Jesus for You care for us, grant us rest we humbly ask You. Grants us rest in our lives, families, businesses, work, churches, schools, nations, leadership and all things merciful Lord. Thank you for loving us and for filling our hearts with the fruit of love, that we may love You and our neighbors as ourselves. We love You Lord and need You in at every moment of our lives. May Your love be always present in our hearts, families, work places, society, nation and entire world. Thank You Jesus Christ for making us sit together with You in the heavenly places. We have obtained victory in You, thank You Jesus praise You Jesus. You are our good Lord and Savior, receive all the glory and praise. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us now and forevermore. Amen