Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 29/07/2020 Admin
Luke 4:1
”Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness.”
-The life of Jesus was characterized by the presence of the Holy Spirit. As we saw last week, the Holy Spirit took part in the birth of Jesus, He came upon Him during His baptism, He led Him to the wilderness where He fasted and was tempted, He was present as Jesus performed His signs and miracles, He took part in His resurrection and was present after His resurrection and among the disciples. The Holy Spirit came to the Jews and Gentiles, and especially during Pentecost. If Jesus was, is and will always be God and needed the Holy Spirit in His life, how much more do we need Him. In Romans 8:14 we see that, “For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.” Like the Holy Spirit led Jesus all His life, we need Him much more. If we are led by the Spirit we should live according to the spirit and not according to the flesh. God corrects or counsels the ones He loves, and if the Holy Spirit is part of us and is involved in our affairs, then we have a reason to thank Him. The Holy Spirit is our ever present help in times of need and we need Him every time. Like He was present in the life of Jesus, we too need Him always in our lives. The Holy Spirit is our Advocate (John 14:26), He the promised Helper with equal capabilities like Jesus (John 14:16), He teaches us and reminds us of the word of God (John 14:26), He helps us in weakness and intercedes for us when we do not know how to pray (Romans 8:26), He convicts us of sin, righteousness and judgement (John 16:8), He permanently indwells us (John 14:16-17), He guides us into all truth (John 16:13), He reminds us (John 14:26), He give us His fruit and bears fruit through us (Galatians 5:22-23), He gives us diverse gifts according to His will, He comforts us (John 16:7), He equips us with spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12:4-7), He fills us (Ephesians 5:18), He empowers us (Acts 1:8) and many other benefits. We should always welcome the Holy Spirit in our lives and appreciate Him for showering us with countless blessings.
Holy Spirit our God, we come to You this morning thanking You for the gift of life and all that You have done unto us. Thank You for being faithful to us even when we have become faithless. We need You Holy Spirit at every moment of our lives, dwell deeply in us and with us we humbly implore You. We desire to worship You at every moment of our lives, in spirit and in truth, lead us for the glory of Your name. This morning we ask You to forgive us all our sins and remember them no more. Only You are our God, only You are our King of kings and Lord of lords, take charge of our lives. Make a way for us even where there seems to be no way and make every crooked paths straight. Comfort us when we are weak and anxious. Be our ever present Help in times of need our loving God. Deliver us from any form of snare, accusation and condemnation in our lives, families, nation and world, present here on earth and in the heavens. Cover us with Your precious blood and protect us from all evil. Intercede for us when we do not know how to pray Holy Spirit. Remind us of Your word daily, and give us teachable spirits to learn all things from You. Help us to never rely on our own wisdom but to decrease as You increase daily. Fill us with Your fruit and gifts so that we may bear much fruit. Make all our plans succeed, according to Your will Holy Spirit we humbly ask You. Fill our hearts with Your love and remove all forms of darkness from our hearts and future. Thank You for placing a seal upon our lives and making us Your children, nothing can separate us from You love. Thank You for Your eternal blessing upon our lives. Amen
Blessed Wednesday
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