Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 19/03/2020 Admin
Isaiah 40:31
Those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.
-When we put our hope and confidence in the Lord, He shall renew our strength. Hannah waited on the Lord when she was barren and she received her request. Sarah alike waited on the Lord for a son and did not despair despite her old age, and she bore Isaac. Jacob waited on the Lord for a wife and he received a double blessing. Ruth waited on the Lord for a husband and she was redeemed. The Israelites waited on the Lord when they were slaves in Egypt and during the Babylonian captivity, and the Lord delivered them. Job waited on the Lord having lost his family and wealth, suffering with boils all over his body, and the Lord renewed his strength. Paul and Silas were thrown to prison, and when they magnified the Lord at midnight, they were set free. We too in our various capacities are trusting God for a breakthrough in one area or another. Praying for our needs, families, churches, society, nation and the entire world day and night. Like the poor widow who went to the unjust judge persistently but received her request (Luke 18:1-8), we too are called to pray earnestly and the Lord is faithful to answer us according to His will. When we wait on the Lord He shall renew our strength, we shall mount up with wings like eagles, run and not grow weary, walk and not faint, for His love for us endures forever.
Thank You Lord for You are good and Your mercies endures forever. We bless You Father for You are faithful and Your love for us is everlasting. This is the day that You have made Lord, we rejoice and are glad in it. Forgive us all our sins and the sins of the world, and deliver us from the corona virus and other calamities that confront us merciful Father. Cover us with Your precious blood Jesus and deliver us from all evil. We declare that no weapon fashioned against us shall prevail and every tongue that raises judgement against us is condemned by Your blood Jesus. Jesus You are our advocate speak righteously for us; for Your name’s sake. Father You the Ancient of Days, Judge righteously on our behalf for Your mercy and love is everlasting. We shall not die but live to declare Your goodness Lord. Jesus You are good and Your mercies endures forever, Father You are good and Your love endures forever. Thank You Holy Spirit for Your love for us is unending. We put all our hope and trust in You; renew our strength we humbly ask You. We declare that we shall mount up with wings like eagles, run and not grow weary, walk and not faint, for all our trust is in You Lord. We bring forth our prayers, supplications, thanksgiving and heart desires unto You, answer us Faithful Master. We cast all our burdens unto You Jesus, deliver us. Deliver us from all evil Lord and teach us Your ways of righteousness, for Your love for us endures forever. Fill us with Your spirit of counsel, might, understanding, knowledge, wisdom and the fear of the Lord, for we belong to You Lord. Amen
Blessed Thursday
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