Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 17/02/2020 Admin
Luke 9:1-2
“Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases. He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.”
-A kingdom can be defined as the governing authority of a king over his territory; imparting it with his will, intent and purpose to produce a people who reflect his culture, value and morals. The kingdom citizens reflect the kings lifestyle (Myles Munroe). From the beginning, God made us in His own image and likeness, and gave us dominion over fish, birds, cattle, over all the earth and every creeping thing on the earth (Genesis 1:26). When Adam sinned, we were alienated from God having no hope. Jesus then restored on us dominion through His sacrifice on the cross giving us power and authority over all demons, and the ability to do many signs and wonders including healing the sick. It is prime then to realize the vitality of the kingdom of God. Jesus taught us to pray that the kingdom of God should come on earth as it is in heaven. As ambassadors of Christ, we are His representatives here on earth and should reflect His image and likeness. We should also focus on the kingdom agenda as Christians for we are kings and priests unto God. Each one of us has a purpose in life which God predestined for us before the foundations of the world, and especially to advance the kingdom mandate. We should therefore focus on what each one is called to do so that we may fulfill the great commission, for no one having put his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God (Luke 9:62).
Thank You Abba Father for Your goodness and mercy upon our lives. Thank You for what You have done unto us, what You are doing and what You will do for us in future. You have comforted us, sustained us, protected us, provided for us, directed us and showed Your unending love. You are the God who answers prayers thank You for this far. Be with all our children who have closed school for midterm we humbly ask You, may You protect and sustain them Lord. Be with us in our careers, businesses and education that You may direct us and expand our boundaries. Help us dear Lord in our families that we may always forgive one another and hold fast love. Be with our president and other leaders so that Your salvation may be their strength. Sustain all those who are homeless and our street children dear Lord for the glory of Your name. Heal all the sick among us merciful Father and deliver all those who are demon possessed. No weapon fashioned against us shall prosper for You have given us power and authority over all demons Lord. Help each one of us to realize that we are Your ambassadors here on earth and empower us to execute our mandates with wisdom; that only comes from You. All these we pray through Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen
Blessed Week
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