Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 12/04/2019 Admin
Matthew 24:12-13
“And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved.”
-This chapter in Matthew is key to outline the events that will come to pass at the end of time; before and after Christ comes back. Before His return, lawlessness and hatred will be prevalent, but those who endure to the end will be saved. Many temptations and tribulations will also be experiences. Jesus demonstrated high standards by overcoming temptations, having been led by the Spirit into the wilderness where He dwelt for fourty days with the wild beasts and was tempted, but the angels ministered to Him (Mk 1:12-13). Jesus was also betrayed by the chief priests and scribes. They condemned Him to death, mocked Him, scourged Him, spit on Him and killed Him, but through endurance; He rose again on the third day and gained victory for us all (Mk 10:33-34). In the same way; when we endure temptations we will receive Gods blessings and receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to all those who love Him (Jam 1:12). Like the faithful servant who was trusted with five talents and delivered five more, he was told “well done good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things, enter into the joy of Your Lord” (Mat 25:21). In faithfulness and endurance through faith in Christ; we will also receive the crown of life and enter into the joy of the Lord.
Endurance is a word used to symbolize patience and perseverance in trials and adversity. God promised David that His house will endure forever; which is evident today through the Sovereignty of Christ and His eternal salvation for us. The promise given to Abraham delivered through the Abrahamic covenant also exposes the eternity of the Gods’ love and mercy to us; for it has been designed for us. Through the knowledge of Christ revealed in the scriptures; the fact that Gods’ love and mercy endures forever; has been brought to light. We are therefore reminded to take heed to the exhortations according to 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 that; we should rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in everything; for this is the will of God for us in Christ Jesus. In recognition that there are many challenges and temptations in life; we should always be alert to give thanks to the Lord for He is our only Saviour. We also called to be diligent and accountable for the flock entrusted to us, attend to our herds; for riches are not forever nor does a crown endure to all generations (Ps 118:1). It is therefore necessary to know what we have been called to do and take full responsibility like the faithful servant so that when Christ returns we may be rewarded and enter the joy of the Lord. Apostle Paul was a faithful servant. He fought the good fight, he finished the race and kept the faith through which a crown of righteousness will be laid upon his head when Christ returns, together with us who have been chosen according to Gods’ purposes (2 Tim 4:7-8). For this reason we bear witness to the fidelity of God so that we may run the same race of salvation with endurance; committed to the righteousness of Christ through faith. With humility and repentance we are reminded to always examine our consciousness amid temptations; setting our eyes on Jesus Who disciplines us and sets us free through the washing by His precious blood. Christ endured the same race and won victory for us through His death on the cross and resurrection on the third day; making us His sons and daughters; so that we too may inheritance eternal life with Him.
We give thanks to You Oh Lord our God and Savior for You are good and Your mercies endures forever. Thank You Jesus for the great care and love that You have shown us, be exulted beyond the heavens and the earth. Forgive us our sins Lord, sins of our families, friends, leaders, nation and those of the whole world. Remember our dear brothers and sisters in Sudan that You may deliver them from unrest and strife. Deliver our African countries Jesus from neo-colonialism and political influences which have robbed us of our birth right. Have mercy on us Lord and take charge of our nation; Kenya and the entire continent of Africa. You are our only hope of salvation Jesus; we put all our trust in You knowing that Your promises are true and right and You will enable us to inherit our heritage inherent in Your kingdom through Your divine grace. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God; and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us now and forever more. Amen
Blessed Weekend
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