Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 15/07/2022 Admin
Acts 16:31
“So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.”
-Salvation from the beginning has been structured by design to capture an entire household. Cornelius a devout man was dedicated to serve God by praying always and giving alms. Even as he did that, the Lord remembered him and sent Peter to minister to him and his household. When Peter was still speaking the word of God, the Holy Spirit fell upon all the hearers including the Gentiles and they believed (Acts 10:44-45).
There is immense power available to those who believe in Jesus Christ. Once the word of God is preached, Jesus opens the heart of the hearer to accept it and believe in Him. Jesus Christ is the Door to eternal life and He makes His gift of salvation available to those He chooses according to His merciful love. John the Baptist preached the message of baptism, by making straight the way for Jesus to come. Since Jesus has already come, we now believe in His death and resurrection, and by so doing we believe in Him and His word. The famous scripture John 3:16-18 reveals the truth, that whoever believes in Jesus Christ has eternal life but whoever does not believe is condemned. The Ethiopian Eunuch struggled reading scripture from the book of Isaiah, and the Lord sent Philip to reveal the message of salvation. The Eunuch was baptized and the Holy Spirit infilled him (Acts 8:26-40). The Samaritan woman, oblivious of the fact that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, she never expected Him, a Jew to speak to her, and offered Him drinking water. Jesus revealed that He is the living water and when she drinks she will never thirst. Jesus calls us to believe in Him and rivers of living water will flow from our hearts. He Holy Spirit then guides us, leads us and teaches us all things. He is our Helper, Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor, Counselor, and Strengthener (John 14:26).
Dear Holy Spirit, You are our Strength and Comforter. May You comfort us and strengthen us when we are weak. You are our Advocate and Intercessor. May You intercede for us with groanings that cannot be uttered. We humbly ask You to wash away our sins, sins of our forefathers, sins of our families, sins of our leaders and those of our nation. May You purity our hearts and minds with Your precious blood. May You open the eyes of our understanding that we may be enlightened in every area of our lives. May You open the eyes of our hearts that we may see You as You are dear Jesus. May You give us, and our households access to Your salvation power that You may experience You in the hope of our calling and believe in You now and forever. May You bless us Lord and increase us. May You make Your face to shine upon us and be gracious to us. May You turn Your countenance towards us and give us peace. Amen
Blessed Weekend
Further reading: Matthew 19:16-21, John 3:18
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