Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 05/03/2021 Admin
1 Corinthians 1:30-31
“But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God—and righteousness and sanctification and redemption— that, as it is written, “He who glories, let him glory in the Lord .”
-God has given us the gift of eternal life through His only begotten Son; Jesus Christ. Since the Jews sort for signs and the Greeks for wisdom, we who have received Christ in our hearts are neither Jews nor Greeks but are one in Him. If we are one in Christ, we have various gifts from the Holy Spirit to demonstration both power and wisdom of Christ for the glory of His name. Christ is the wisdom of God in us and we are called to abide in Him as He abides in us.
Ants are tiny creatures but have enormous wisdom. Ants are considered wise in the Bible (Proverbs 6:6-11). They have no captain or overseer but ensure they work hard and fulfill their mandate faithfully. Like in the parable of the faithful servant, ants work unsupervised and when the Master comes, He finds them doing what they are called to do and receive their reward (Matthew 24:45-51). Ants are resilient and never quit. If an obstacle comes their way, they look for an alternative route to succeed in their mission. Where there is no way, they improvise a bridge and when their nests are destroyed, they build others. Like a Christian, our faith in Christ should never fail. Ants are wise to know and redeem time. They do not waste time waiting for winter to come but work hard, gathering during summer and have abundance during winter. They save their food for a rainy day. They also stay positive knowing that winter will not last forever and better will soon come by. We are called to focus our eyes on Christ and give thanks to Him in both summer and winter seasons. They also work together in colonies. We are called to love one another and dwell in unity, for God commands a blessings where there is unity. Wisdom begins through the fear of the Lord and ends with the fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord starts with humility; for disgrace results from pride. Wisdom is supreme and the principle thing. In all our getting, we are called to get wisdom and the Lord is faithful to give us without partiality. Wisdom that comes from heaven is first pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere (James 3:17). Wisdom should be chosen before silver and gold, for she brings forth preservation. The wisdom of God is designed to protect us and watch over us, we are called to love her and get her at all cost. If anyone thinks they are wise, let them first become fool’s for the wisdom of the world is foolishness to God. God catches the crafty in their own craftiness and rewards each one according to his/her deeds. The Lord cautions the wise from boasting in their wisdom, the mighty from boasting in their might and the rich from boasting in their riches (Jeremiah 9:23), but we are called to boast in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. It is therefore prudent to submit our thoughts, intensions, wisdom, might, riches and hearts desires to the Lord, and He will align us to His divine purposes. Jesus Christ is for us the wisdom of God. We are called to die to self and submit to Him that we may be led and taught by Him, delivered and sanctified by Him, healed and discipled by Him; through the path of everlasting life.
In the multitude of my hearts desires, I come to You with thanksgiving. Thank You Lord for loving me. Thank Jesus for loving us. Only You are God. Only You deserved to be worshipped and praised. Only You are wisdom. Only You are full of wisdom. We humbly ask You Holy Spirit to fill us with Your wisdom, for You give without partiality those who ask You. Only You are full of wisdom and love. Fill us with Your wisdom so that we may only do Your will and walk in power for the glory of Your name. Fill us with the spirit of Your fear Lord that we may fear You Lord and only do Your will. Open the eyes of our understanding that we may rely on Your love and find rest in You. Grant our children the gift of wisdom so that they may take heed to Your word and never depart from it. Impart our political leader with wisdom that they may serve Your people with wise counsel like king Solomon did. Grant our church leaders wisdom to serve You wholeheartedly, seeking first Your interests and those of others; Lord. Reveal Your deep and secret things to us Abba Father that we may know You more and seek first Your kingdom and righteousness. Impart in us the wisdom to innovate new things that will bring transformation in our work and impartation to the whole world for the glory of Your name. We give You all the glory and praise Jesus; now and forever. Amen
Blessed Weekend
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