Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 11/02/2021 Admin
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
-When the disciples were uncertain on what to do, some even proposing to send the multitudes home, Jesus applied the power of thanksgiving. Two times when the crowds were hungry, He took bread and fish, and gave thanks. He multiplied the bread and fish, and was able to feed five thousand people (Matthew 14:19) and four thousand people (Matthew 15:36), which was cause for much rejoicing. It is through such uncertain times that we need to rejoice always, pray without ceasing and give thanks in everything. Habakkuk did not complain when the fig tree, vine and olive trees did not blossom. He did not panic when the flock were cut off and had no more herds in his stalls. Despite the challenging times that they went through, Habakkuk trusted in the Lord. He knew the secret. He rejoiced in the Lord always (Habakkuk 3:17-19). Let us then rejoice in the Lord always; for this is His will. Let us also present our prayers and petitions to Him while giving thanks, for we have obtained victory through Christ.
We rejoice in You our Lord and God of Israel. We rejoice in You Lord and God of our forefathers; Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We rejoice in You our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; for You have won victory for us. You have won victory for us even through these turbulent times. We have confidence in You Jesus even as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we will fear no evil for Your rod and staff comfort us. You are our Strength and Shield Jesus, we cannot win without You. You make our feet like those of a deer. You make us walk on high hills and high ways. Thank You for the blessings and grace that we have received merciful Father; through Your Son Jesus Christ. Thank You Abba Father for making us Your children and giving us authority and power to rule here on earth, as kings and priests to You. Thank You for the blessings and favor that You have given us during this season to become great men and women for the glory of Your name. Thank You for giving us all our hearts desire and answering all our prayers according to Your will. Thank You for loving us and sustaining us even at the wake of many uncertainties. Thank You for blessing us, our families and nation with the dew of heaven, and for opening many doors of prosperity for us. Thank You for fulfilling all Your promises in our lives at Your appointed time. Thank You for healing all our wounds and healing our land. Bless each one of us and increase us dear Jesus. Bless our nation and revive our economy Jesus. Bless the nation of Israel and grant them peace. Bless all the nations of world that they may know You and serve You alone Jesus Christ. We rejoice in You of our Salvation. You are the Bread of life Jesus, feed us with Your living bread daily. All our hope and trust is in You, now and forever. Amen
Blessed Thursday
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