Revelation of the Word
Revelation of the Word 26/05/2017 Admin
John 19:17-18
And He, bearing His cross, went out to a place called the Place of a Skull, which is called in Hebrew, Golgotha, where they crucified Him, and two others with Him, one on either side, and Jesus in the center.
-Jesus was crucified on a hill near Jerusalem called the place of skull/ Golgotha/ Calvary, between two criminals condemned to death. Before His crucifixion, Pilate seated on his judgement seat at the pavement / Gabbatha was forced to follow the desire of the people to crucify Him as he had no power over the Son of man (John 19:13). On the other hand; Jesus on the cross had power to judge the two criminals as one asked for His mercy, attained eternity with Him.
-The garden of Eden had numerous trees but in the middle were two trees, the tree of life & tree of the knowledge of good & evil. The tree of life has the ability to give immortality to man. In Rev 22:14, the right to partake of this tree will be reserved for those who do His commandments.
-Samson held on the middle pillars of the temple & destroyed the Philippines; Israel’s enemies just as it had been spoken by the angel of the Lord before his birth. Christ in the center of lives helps us to overcome the enemy & temptations.
-The heart is the focal point of our lives where all issues of life emerge. The Holy Spirit has written the Word in our hearts; which we should hold fast for it is life & good health. May our hearts have deep roots which make good ground to receive His word & yield fruit in abundance; as per the parable of the sower.
-Christ broke the middle wall reconciling those who were near & far off with Him in the same body by His Spirit; so that we all may access Him easily. He is our Father & His promises will come to pass in our lives according to His will.
Thank You Father for Your goodness & mercy upon our lives. Cleanse us from all unrighteousness & create in us a clean heart; so that we may be driven by Your will. Increase our faith in You; that we may speak to You knowing that You listen & will accomplish our heart desires. Touch our hearts with Your fruit for we need You always. Amen
Blessed Weekend.
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