Revelation of the Word:
Revelation of the Word 16/03/2017 Admin
Ezekiel 37:7
So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and suddenly a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to bone.
-Prophet Ezekiel saw a vision of a valley of dry bones. When he prophesied Gods word, the each bones was joined to the other in its respective frame, flesh was formed, skin came to place & after another prophecy, the bodies came to life supernaturally. This was a picture of hope & restoration for the Israelites.
-In John 11:43, Jesus called unto Lazarus & he lived.
-When we believe in Gods word; all things are possible.
We believe in Your everlasting power Father in our lives, even in the most difficult situation that we might face. With You all things are possible. Hear our humble cry today & fulfill the desires of our hearts. Amen
Blessed Thursday.
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