​Revelation of the Word ​Revelation of the Word
THEME: CHANGE Ecclesiastes 3:1  To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: INSIGHT  -Time & seasons define change. Seasons... ​Revelation of the Word

Ecclesiastes 3:1 

To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:


-Time & seasons define change. Seasons give an indication that nothing is permanent in life. There is a time for every purpose on earth. E.g. During winter we plant crops to harvest when summer comes. We also wear warm clothes to avoid getting sick. This happens in all areas of life & preparation for change is key. Planning & management of time & change defines our direction in life as the Lord leads us. When we place God at the centre of our lives & commit our works to Him, He will establish our thoughts (Prov 16:3). When what we are doing is no longer effective, we need to change. When people around us cause an irritation than a blessing, we need to change. When our efforts cause stress on us instead of blessings, we need to change. The most effective form of change is prayer. Through prayer, God opens many closed doors & leads us in His wisdom. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God (Rom 8:14).


Blessed be God our Father, blessed be His holy name, blessed be His glorious works in all the earth. We come to You Father, with humility in our hearts asking for the gift of wisdom. Establish our thoughts & help us to discern time & seasons so that every purpose You have for us may be fulfilled. We thank You & praise You. Amen

Blessed Wednesday

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