​Revelation of the Word ​Revelation of the Word
THEME: EARTH Genesis 2:5 Before any plant of the field was in the earth and before any herb of the field had grown. For... ​Revelation of the Word

Genesis 2:5

Before any plant of the field was in the earth and before any herb of the field had grown. For the Lord God had not caused it to rain on the earth, and there was no man to till the ground;


-God created all things by word/ command & part of His creation actualized later after He rested, that is; animals, plants & man. By the same command/ law, all His creation abound e.g. Law of gravity affects all creation, Laws of a country govern it’s citizens & His divine laws provide human bearing. It is important to note that when laws are defiled they as well defile His created things. It had not rained on earth until the Lord created man from the dust of the ground. The human body is made from dust & cleaves to the earth’s produce by which plants, herbs of the field & animals were created (Gen 1:24). It was there after that God released showers of blessing upon the earth for a manager with dominion over plants & animals came to being. We are responsible for (have dominion over) plants & animals & God is responsible for us for He cares for us.


We thank You Father for taking care of us since we were born. We have come a long way by Your mercy & grace. We might not be where we wish to be, but we know You have a plan for our lives. Shower us with Your blessings & guide us in Your will. You created all things for us, guide us in Your wisdom so that we may maximize our potential in what we do. We praise You & worship You. Amen

Blessed Tuesday.

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Revelation Of The Word
