Revelation of the Word
Revelation of the Word 01/09/2017 Admin
Matthew 16:28
“Assuredly, I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.”
-Apostle Paul expounds on a mystery put across by Christ that we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be change in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed (1 Cor 15:51-52). The sting of death is sin; but Christ died for our sins & has taken out this sting giving us victory. We read in the Old Testament that prophet Elijah never tasted death for he was carried to heaven by a chariot. We should always believe in Gods word for He works in mysterious ways, His love for us is everlasting thus we don’t labour in vain.
-Change is written as shanah in Hebrew & it means mutation, alteration, substitution & turning. It is a process through which something/ someone transforms by influence of internal or external factors which modify action or belief. Time & seasons define change where seasons indicate that nothing is permanent in life. There is a time for every purpose on earth. Planning & management of time & change defines our direction in life as the Lord leads us. When we place God at the centre of our lives & commit our works to Him, He will establish our thoughts & ways. The most effective form of change is prayer. Through prayer, God opens many doors & leads us in His wisdom. While in Egypt, the Israelites got comfortable despite their oppression. At some point they complained to Moses for lack of food in the wilderness & mentioned that they used to eat meat & bread to their fill while they were in Egypt (Exo 16:3). God led them through the wilderness even though it was a longer route lest they change their minds & went back to Egypt upon experiencing war in the Philistines territory. Scientists have attempted to explain human behaviour in occurrences of change using the cognitive appraisal theories. They explain that the human brain often think of change as a threat to their comfort especially when they did not expect it thus uncertainty of control. Comfort is self destructive since without change our lives seldom advance & our past success limits of next blessing. Change is inevitable when we are inclined to God. He establishes us in faith & shifts us into new frontiers of life as He wills. Joseph experienced a shift in life when pharaoh had a dream & summoned him. Having lived in a dungeon for a long time, he knew time for transformation had finally come. In preparation to meet the king, he shaved & changed his raiment. Pharaoh later clothed him in garments of fine linen which was symbolic. In the same way, those who overcomes will be clothed in white garments & their names maintained in the Book of life to inherit eternity with our Father (Rev 3:5). As we journey in Christ, He renews our minds, hearts & spirits & makes us new. Once we have been converted by Christ it is no longer us who live but Christ lives in us & the life which we now live in the flesh we live by faith in Him, who loved us & gave Himself for us (Gal 2:20).
We love You our Father, Who dwells in our heart’s. Cleanse us from all iniquity & strengthen us in following Your will so that we may make a positive impact in our families, neighbourhoods & the society at large. Create in us clean hearts, minds & spirits, we implore You. All glory honour, power, riches, wisdom & strength belong to You forever. Amen
Blessed Weekend.
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