Revelation of the Word: Revelation of the Word:
THEME: FEAR 2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a... Revelation of the Word:


2 Timothy 1:7

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

-Fear in Greek is written as phobos and it means dread or terror. Fear is a feeling of apprehension arising due to anxiety in the presence of; or anticipation of danger, and moving to its avoidance. Fear is the natural consequence of sin (Gen 3:10; Gen 4:13-14; Pro 28:1), it comes as a punishment (Deu 28:25-28). The fear of man and of evils are dangers to be avoided, from which the fear of God delivers (Num 14:9; num 21:34; Ps 23:4; Ps 31;14). Human Fear over all creatures (Gen 9:2), humans fear the animals (Amos 3:8), people fear others (Gen 32:11, Gen 26:7), nations fear nations (2 sam 10:19), people fear war (Exo 14:10), fear of enemies (Deu 2:4), fear of subjugation (Deu 7:18; Deu 28:10), people are afraid of death (Gen 32:11), disaster (Zep 3:15-16), sudden panic (Pro 3:25), adversity (Job 6:21), the unknown (Gen 19:30) and fear of the Day of the Lord (Zep 1:14-18). The fear of the Lord is an inducement to obedience and service, to do His will and it is the beginning of wisdom. It is also equated to the knowledge of the Holy One (Pro 9:10, Pro 1:7, Ps 111:10) and is the whole duty of man (Ecc 12:13). Several other instances reference the word fear including;  fear of Zechariah, father of John the Baptist, when he saw the angel of the Lord (Lk 1:12). God commands us never to fear through numerous scriptures including, Deu 3:22; You must not fear them the Lord your God Himself fights for you. John 14:27; Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you, I do not give to you as the world gives, do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid etc. 

-Sometimes we fear for our future, our children’s future, our families, our financial progression, our health and safety, food security, job security, peace in our nation, fear of the unknown etc. Christ reminds us that He has bestowed upon us the Spirit of adoption of sons by whom we cry Abba Father and not of bondage to fear (Rom 8:15). He has given us a spirit of power to overcome all evil and temptations, and to function in the gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit. The spirit of love for Him and our neighbour’s and sound mind to know him more and have a special relationship with Him for He dwells in our hearts. Christ invites us to come to Him with boldness and confidence unto the throne of grace, with the assurance that we will find rest.

All glory, honor, power and praise belongs to You Jesus our Lord and King. We thank You for Your goodness and mercy upon our lives and for enabling us to see this day filled with peace. Deliver us Jesus from fear for Your perfect love casts our all fear. Thank You Holy Spirit for giving us the spirit of power, love and sound mind, that we may remain in You as You are in us. Have mercy on us Lord and all those who are sick and suffering that You may grant us rest. Amen

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Revelation Of The Word
