Revelation of the Word
Revelation of the Word 25/05/2018 Admin

Mark 14:24-25
”And He said to them, “This is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many. Assuredly, I say to you, I will no longer drink of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.”
-Jesus the Vine calls us His branches to remain anchored on Him so that we may receive strength, wisdom, faith, love, health, support, direction etc all the time. He has given us wine as a symbol of His blood for the forgiveness of sins & redemption from all evil, sicknesses, weaknesses, burdens & have life everlasting.
-Wine in Hebrew is written as yayin which is a fermented grape liquid from vine trees. It was a very common drink during those days for people thrived in growing vineyards as an economic activity eg Noah (Gen 9:20), king Solomon (Songs of Solomon 8:11), Naboth (1 Kings 21:1) etc. Some grape & wine products mentioned in the Bible include: – blood of the grape or red wine which is fermented red wine, sweet wine or new wine is wine produced within the same year, strong wine or drink is intoxicating liquor made from grapes, grape juice is juice made from grape fruits, cake of raisins is a solid cake made from pressed grapes etc.
-When Isaac was old & could scarcely see; he pronounced a blessing upon Jacob when he deceived him that he was his first born Esau. These blessings sustained him & his descendants with grain & wine which also implied provision of everything else (Gen 27:28). We note that Joseph his son who became governor in Egypt was a direct beneficiary of these blessings which had been earlier pronounced upon Abraham & his descendants whom we are part, to make us fruitful, multiply us & enable us acquire inheritance in an eternal covenant through Christ. With Gods’ blessings, we are called to honor Him & declare that He is the provider for He gives us the power to gain wealth (Deu 8:18). Acts of mercy like almsgiving also amount to righteousness & God provides seed to the sower; to continue giving to the poor, the church & as one desires in his/her heart; that His grace may abound in us (2 Cor 9:9-14). When we honor God with the first-fruit of our increase which could be in form of new business or opportunities amounting to increased revenue, He fills our bans with plenty of grain & our wine presses with new wine (Prov 3:9-10). First-fruit was a sacred feast where the first of crops were offered to God. Christ then became our first-fruit through His death & resurrection that those who die in Him may rise at His coming (1 Cor 15:20-23). He makes us like new wine skins to enable us contain new wine through the impartation of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit thus renews us with His steadfast Spirit to enable us leave our old & corruptible nature; & makes us new in our journey of faith (Mark 2:22). He also takes away our unnatural cravings brought about by wine which Lemuel was cautioned about. A caution that wine is not for kings as it disorients their decisions & make them forget the law & justice of the afflicted but strong drinks are most often consumed by those who have bitter hearts to enable them forget their misery & poverty (Prov 31:3-6). Prophet Hosea pronounces the same caution that harlotry, wine, & new wine enslave the heart (Hos 4:11). Apostle Paul also advices that one should not be drunk with wine in which is dissipation but be filled with the Spirit (Eph 5:18). Jesus gave us His flesh & blood that we may partake of Him & have life & life in abundance (Jn 6:53-54).
We thank You Lord for You are good & Your mercies endures forever. Pour our Your precious blood into our hearts to permeate every cell; that we may have life in abundance & possess victory in all things from everlasting to everlasting. We humbly ask You Lord to heal all our wounds, hear & answer all our prayer, establish us in Your love, purify our hearts & thoughts, & renew Your steadfast Spirt within us. Increase in us Your wisdom & faith that all our decisions may be guided & directed by You; merciful Father. All glory & honour belongs to You Lord now & forever. Amen
Blessed Weekend
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