Revelation of the Word
Revelation of the Word 11/05/2018 Admin

Luke 9:1-2
“Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases. He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.”
-Christ sent His disciples & calls us to be witnesses unto Him by the power & authority given to us over all demons, to cure diseases & to preach the gospel. Just like in court where a witness produces evidence to justify their statements, we as witnesses of Christ have to display words & actions full of truth & justice for the good of ourselves & others.
-Healing in Hebrew is written as rapha which means to cure, purify or restore. Healing is a gift of Holy Spirit which restores us physically, emotionally, psychologically & mentally.
-King Hezekiah is a perfect example of Gods’ healing power & restoration of life. He prayed & cried to God for mercy & God healed him; & blessed him with fifteen more years full of peace (2 Kings 20:5-6). Jesus also healed the paralytic by forgiving his sins (Mk 2:5). He healed the centurion’s servant when his master portrayed great faith in Jesus not even seen in Israel (Mat 8:10). Mary Magdalene who was demon possessed was forgiven & delivered from her oppression & later witnessed Christs’ death & resurrection. Most of these people who were healed demonstrated faith in Jesus & in some healing instances Jesus said “You faith has made you well” (Mk 5:34). When Jesus healed the man born with blindness; He exposed more causes of diseases & disabilities to us. These are; personal sins, sins of the parents or to reveal His power to the world (Jn 9:1-3). It is therefore necessary to constantly ask for Gods’ mercy & forgiveness from our sins, those of our families & the whole world; so that we may receive healing & have life in abundance. We should also remember to forgive those who offend us for the merciful always obtain Gods’ mercy. After Christs’ death & resurrection; He gave us His body & blood that we may receive healing & life everlasting when we partake of Him (Jn 6:53-58). He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities & bore our sins so that we may live in righteousness & peace; for by His stripes we are healed (Isa 53:5; & 1 Pet 2:24). When we believe in Gods’ word, He takes away our history of sin, depression, abuse, sickness, fear; & gives us love, joy, peace, patience, salvation, humility, long suffering & kindness in the newness of life. It is His will that we pray without ceasing, give thanks & rejoice in Him always for God is our Creator & has bestowed unto us His unfailing love (1 The 5:16-18).
Lord our Father, You have been faithful to us & have never failed us, we thank You & praise You. Have mercy on all those who are sick in hospitals & at home, heal all those who are suffering from disability, deliver all those who have been afflicted spiritually by the evil one, hear the cry of all those who have lost their loved ones, answer all our petitions & heal all our diseases for by Your stripes we are healed Lord King of glory. Forgive us all our sins Lord, sins of our forefathers & those of the whole world. You have assigned us to proclaim the gospel, cast out demons & heal the sick by Your authority, lead us according to Your will Father. Your love for us endures forever, we thanks You & glorify You. Amen
Blessed Weekend
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